The Safirsheriff is the highest product of cooperation between Aluiris and metants, a powerball that can control the capabilities of the metants within a radius of about 42 kilometers.
Creptene ball
The core of the Safirsheriff is formed by spherical creptene, a mineral quite common on the planet of the Aluiris. It reacts to epsilon brain waves, which on Earth occur only on innate metants.
It is surrounded by...
Elselsiiri Perimeters
An elselsiiri is a substance developed by the Aluirians, mainly formed from solid energy, which is also used as an energy source for spacecraft of the Aluiris. Its manufacturing process is top-secret for two reasons: the Aluiris refuse to give a damn about it – and even if they told the ins and outs of the manufacturing process, human civilization would fall by the wayside in the early stages.
Elselsiiri preparations donated to USU are diluted. They need additional external energy – i.e. electricity – to be able to do their purpose: detect the peculiarities of metants, i.e. epsilon brain waves amplified by their very strong aura. The Aluiris have not wanted to give humanity their full-fledged material.
The movable elselsiiri rings both feed inward powerful and controlled energy into the creptene sphere and filter it outward with precise placement of holes, crystals and gemstones. These achieve the optimal energy needed at any given time.
The elselsiiri rings are surrounded by an electromagnetically high-energy main circle that sends an observation beam around it for a distance of about 21 kilometres. This will detect all epsilon plows present in its affected area.
Attached to the main perimeter are
Platinum rings
There are both good and evil metants, the latter of which are sometimes mockingly called negatives. These two groups are able to distinguish from each other their epsilon auras. The Creptene-Elselsiiri ensemble is surrounded by another, mainly platinum ring ensemble, called the personality circle.
Its holes, gemstones and crystals allow for a more individual effect. A pathway of action is created for the detected metant according to his analyzed epsilon-aura. Thus, the whole detects each metant in its sphere of influence, and the energy of the Safirsheriff is adjusted to be optimally focused to amplify the positive epsilon-aura energy field of good metants, and to dampen the negative energy of the bad ones.