The History of USU

The beginning of USU is similar to that of many other trade unions - i.e. national trade unions. It began to take shape, above all, with the rise of industry and at first it was an organization for the interests of metant workers, which cherished the interests of the members so that they and their talents would not be blatantly exploited. That's why they demand that for example those with special abilities with fire get at least an engineer's salary for their work in the metal industry. There were numerous examples: those with a special sense of smell often worked in quality control in the chemical industry, those with hearing often listened to the resonance of a cast metal object to see if there were casting defects, special vision had opportunities in almost any production process, etc.

The employer side had its own metants - even some factory owners were metants. The violent strikes and clashes of the beginning of the 20th century led to the fact that the workers' unions and employers agreed that they would not get involved in labor struggles other than their own ones.
The first female member in 1917 was Mary Hinkman.

Prohibition in the United States and the rise of organized crime gangs led the union to contract with law enforcement to fight for the control and - if necessary - arrest of criminal metants. At that time, the first steps towards international agreements were also taken and the umbrella organization USU (Universal Superprotector Union) was formed. The rise of fascism in the 1930s put them on a collision course with the new rulers, for whom trade unions and independent organizational activities were the worst possible disease in the society. Even earlier, the communists had judged the organization as "twisted individualism", so in practice it operated independently mainly in Western democracies while the world was spinning around.
When the Second World War broke out, it had positioned itself on the side of democracy in the fight against totalitarian states. Its members distinguished themselves in Europe in the resistance movement of the countries occupied by the Nazis and also in the special forces of England and the USA.

After the war, especially the unions of the United States and Great Britain (USSU and UKSU) cooperated with the control commissions of the allied forces in the reorganization of the unions of people with special abilities in war-torn countries, as well as in cooperation with the intelligence authorities in chasing war criminals.
First Contact with Aluiris- the aliens from outer space.

When the so-called Iron Curtain finally divided the world into blocs, the situation of metants and other people with special abilities in different countries was as follows: in Western countries, these (except criminals, of course) belonged to national unions whose umbrella organization was USU. USU joined the United Nations as an observer organization in 1955.
In the socialist bloc, it was usually best to be pretty silent about special abilities, unless they could be used unnoticed in the system. It is still unclear how many metants there are in national security organizations and undercover missions.
In Islamic countries, the attitude was pragmatic, and by acting accepting the local culture the metants were usually allowed to create associations and join the USU.
In developing countries they usually acted independently as they wanted, but also organized and small national unions joined USU as members.
India was naturally its own chapter because metants and the like often found themselves to be at least demigods or at least gurus, which suited the Hindu worldview.

Rahul S. A. Bhattacharyan
(Indian metant millionaire) started regular trade with Aluiris trading plastic to rare and precision metals. Bhattacharyan
soon realized that some of the new materials would be especially usable for metants.
The Olympic Committee banned the participation of the metants in the Olympic Games starting from the 1952 Helsinki Olympics.
Especially in the United States, some super protectors became great public heroes for whom the USSU applied for trademark protection and began to receive an ever-increasing amount of funding, advertising contracts, payments for rights to cartoons, movies and similar media products. Otherwise, it was usually a low level of publicity for security reasons.
In the early stages of the Cold War, USU's national unions worked in various ways in cooperation with the intelligence and security authorities of their own country - usually, however, they emphasized non-politicism, leaving open the possibility for open discussion across bloc borders. However, this didn't really happen.

Called by Pope John XXIII in 1965 the Second Vatican Council accepted metants "and the like" as children of God with special gifts "to carry out the will of their Creator". The decision was far from unanimous, with a significant minority wanting to declare them as possessed.
With the social upheavals, the hippie movement and the LSD culture, many people with special abilities found themselves to be worshiped even outside of India. Some freaked out too. This also polarizes the attitude of representatives of traditional religions towards USU and its membership.
Attitudes towards the Vietnam War, in turn, divided USU's members as much as any other population.
With cooperation of USU and Alluires Bhattacharyan created "Safirsheriff" concept to power abilities of metants by enchanting their brain`s epsilon waves. First such was activated in Mumbai 30.3.1968. It started a great boost of USU`s influence in the western World.
Thanks to Nixon's Ping-Pong policy, China accepted provincial club activities under the party In 1972.
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